Cyber Safety Travel Tips for Thanksgiving

Cyber security safety tips

Thanksgiving is the busiest travel weekend of the year in America! We here at BizCom Global want to make sure that your personal and professional data is protected while you’re focused on celebrating with family and friends.

Whether you’re flying across the country or driving down the block, don’t let cyber criminals make a turkey out of you this year…follow these tips to travel cyber-safely!

Keeping your software and apps UP TO DATE will improve your devices’ ability to defend you and your data from cyber criminal attacks.

Update your devices

It can get annoying having to update your devices all the time, but software developers are constantly improving the apps and software you use to address new cybercriminal threats. If you don’t keep up-to-date, cyber criminals can more easily access your data and steal valuable personal identifying information. That can lead to identity theft and even cause cybersecurity problems for the company you work for!

Backing up photos, videos, contacts, and other data will ensure that they are in a protected place, in case something does go wrong.

Back up your information

Whether you back up to the cloud or an external hard drive, make sure you take some time to back up your data before your plane hits the clouds. Busy travel season can result in all sorts of mishaps from lost devices to cybercrime attacks. Better to be safe and know your data (along with your family photos and Grandma’s treasured pie recipe) is secure at home.

This is an easy way for cybercriminals to access your information. Be cautious of what you log into on public wifi – especially finances!

Don’t automatically connect to public Wi-Fi

We know it’s tempting to avoid using your cellular data to surf the web, especially when you’re stuck sitting at the airport, train station, etc. The thing is, on a public Wi-Fi signal, you just don’t know who else is on it…and they might not have the best intentions. Being on the same shared Wi-Fi signal makes it that much easier for bad actors to access your devices, installing malware to steal your data. Be particularly cautious about logging in to any financial accounts or other sites where personal information is stored.

Be careful when using public or shared devices. Make sure to completely sign out of all accounts and never save your login information.

Avoid logging in on shared devices

The computer in the business center at your hotel, the TV at your vacation rental or your Aunt Gertrude’s house…we’re not saying don’t use shared devices at all, after all, you may still need to print, or binge-watch Netflix in a turkey coma. Just make sure you log out when you’re done, avoid logging into any particularly sensitive accounts, and don’t save your login information.

Phishing is when a scammer sends a fraudulent message through email, text, etc. to trick the consumer into giving sensitive information.

Watch out for phishing scammers

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is…and even with all the incentives floating around this time of year, we promise you that airline isn’t really trying to give you free flights, nor is that cute boutique hotel you passed by trying to give you an all-expenses paid weekend. Cybercriminals are sneaky and great at appearing to be innocent businesses advertising great deals…be alert to such scams, be careful what links you click on, and never give away personal information without being confident you’re communicating with the real deal.

Friendsgiving, family tradition, holidays at home…however you and yours are celebrating this Thanksgiving, we at BizCom want to wish you a joyous celebration. Many thanks to our customers, partners and vendors! Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!

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